(a) Conditions not extreme: manage heat as usual (drinks, wear hats, long sleeve shirts, apply sunscreen etc).
HSRI rating is 4 to 7 (inclusive)
(a) Consult with captains to consider increasing the number and duration of drinks intervals and allow players and umpires to leave the field of play during drinks intervals.
(b) Consider extending the duration of lunch and/or afternoon tea intervals by 5 minutes.
(c) Once HSRI is greater than 5; be extra vigilant in monitoring participants that exhibit signs of heat stress illness such as muscle cramping, dizziness, excessive fatigue etc.
HSRI rating is 8 to 10 (inclusive)
(a) Have longer drinks breaks to allow players to come off the field to cool down and rehydrate (e.g., 10 to 20 minutes instead of 5 minutes or 40 to 50 minutes followed by 10 minute breaks.
(b) Flexibility to increase time span of drinks lies with the umpires.
(c) Flexibility to take more frequent drinks breaks lies with the umpires.
Where the HSRI rating is 11 or above
(a) Play will cease immediately. Play shall only resume if the HSRI has improved to 10 or less. Where applicable, refer to local competition playing conditions. Umpires retain the sole discretion to suspend play, or not allow play to start or to recommence if they consider conditions dangerous or unreasonable.